Targeted and optimal results

through our services

Global Sourcing

What makes us unique is our ability to apply our process to virtually any significant expenditure area for our clients whatever they are startups or FT 500 organizations. Our company has sourced food and beverage for our Chinese client, custom molded parts for Helicopter, and mechanical components approved FDA for our medical device client. We can tackle your most complex or constrained categories and help with delicate incumbent renegotiations or complex make or buy analyses. And for common indirect spend areas such as freight, Technology spend, and other groups, we bring extensive benchmarks and additional expertise based on world-class sourcing tools.

Supply Chain Improvement

To ensure that customers’ needs are met, inventories, response and delivery times, lead times, supply reliability, and costs must all be coordinated and balanced. Successful supply chain management is an integrated discipline that smoothly synergizes highly streamlined value chains, takes risks into account, and provides an outstanding service level. To help you on your path to supply chain management excellence, SupplyChain Bridges offers concepts, methods, and solutions that prepare your supply chain management organization for future developments and sustainable improvement

Procurement Transformation

Procurement transformation is a relatively new concept and is usually positioned within wider discussions of change management and transformational leadership.

Are you looking for help with Operational Excellence ?

An Operational Excellence program requires a culture where change is encouraged and supported.
Recent benchmarking study found that 82% of the best-in-class organizations have Operational Excellence initiatives tied to sourcing and procurement.
We help by driving process improvements from the ground up, enabling the business to grow its bottom line 2x faster than its top. Chain Bridge Services takes a broad view that goes beyond cutting costs to help your organization leverage its operations to fuel growth.

We help you improve operational speed to increase your agility, flexibly, and responsiveness and lower your cost-to-serve. Depending on your goals, we can deliver immediate short-term performance improvements, or we can implement long-term cultural transformation where operational excellence initiatives are tied directly to your plans for profitable growth. From short-term cost-out and cash flow improvements, to broad-reaching performance and business process improvements, to organizational-wide lean transformation, we help you achieve operational excellence that rapidly translates direc

Lean Transformation Helps to tackle the most complicated challenges and achieving results.

Targeted performance Make dramatic performance improvements that directly impact customer satisfaction.

Strategy consulting and agility Short-term cost-out Improve agility in the short term positioning you for long-term achievement.

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